Dressing for Remote Work: Nailing the Video Call Look

Dressing for Remote Work: Nailing the Video Call Look

Ah, remote work. It’s the new norm, and while it has its perks (goodbye, daily commute!), it also brings its own set of challenges. One of the biggest? Figuring out what to wear. You want to be comfortable, but you also need to look professional, especially for video calls and virtual conferences. Here’s how to master the art of dressing for remote work without sacrificing style or comfort.

1. Comfort Meets Professionalism

Working from home means you can ditch the stiff suits, but that doesn’t mean you should wear pajamas to your morning meeting. The key is finding a balance between comfort and professionalism.

  • Tops: Invest in a few good-quality tops that are both comfortable and camera-ready. Blouses, knit sweaters, and even stylish tees can work, depending on your work culture. Stick to solid colors or subtle patterns to keep things professional.
  • Bottoms: While your colleagues can’t see your lower half, wearing proper pants or skirts can help you feel more put-together. Opt for stretchy, comfortable fabrics like ponte knit or soft cotton blends.

2. Accessorize with Intent

Accessories can make a huge difference in your overall look. They add a touch of personality and polish, even on video calls.

  • Jewelry: Simple, elegant pieces like stud earrings, delicate necklaces, or a classic watch can elevate your look. Avoid anything too flashy or distracting.
  • Scarves and Shawls: A colorful scarf or a cozy shawl can add a pop of color and warmth, perfect for those chilly mornings.
  • Glasses: If you wear glasses, choose frames that complement your face shape and outfit. They can be a stylish accessory in themselves.

3. Mind the Details

The little things matter, especially on camera. Pay attention to grooming and background details to ensure a polished appearance.

  • Hair: Keep your hair neat and styled. Whether you prefer it down, in a ponytail, or a bun, make sure it’s tidy.
  • Makeup: A bit of makeup can go a long way on camera. Focus on a natural look with a touch of foundation, mascara, and a swipe of lipstick or lip balm.
  • Background: Choose a clean, uncluttered background for your video calls. A plain wall or a tidy bookshelf works well. Avoid sitting in front of windows to prevent backlighting.

4. Lighting is Everything

Good lighting can make you look more professional and awake. Natural light is best, so position yourself facing a window if possible. If natural light isn’t an option, invest in a good desk lamp or a ring light to brighten up your face.

5. Outfit Ideas for Remote Work

Here are some outfit ideas to keep you looking sharp and feeling comfortable:

  • Casual Business: A crisp white blouse paired with dark jeans or tailored pants. Add a statement necklace for a touch of elegance.
  • Smart Casual: A knit sweater with a collared shirt underneath, combined with chinos or a midi skirt. Finish with a pair of simple earrings.
  • Relaxed Professional: A fitted tee or turtleneck under a blazer, matched with comfortable leggings or joggers. This look combines the best of both worlds—professional up top, comfort below.
  • Dress Day: A casual dress can be a one-and-done solution. Look for styles in soft fabrics that are easy to move in. Pair with a cardigan for added warmth and style.

6. Preparing for Virtual Conferences

Virtual conferences require a bit more effort since you’ll be on camera for extended periods and possibly interacting with clients or higher-ups.

  • Dress Code: Adhere to the dress code of the conference. If it’s business formal, go for a blazer and blouse or a professional dress. For business casual, a nice top with dress pants or a skirt will do.
  • Colors and Patterns: Stick to solid colors or simple patterns. Avoid overly bright or distracting prints. Blues, whites, and neutrals tend to look best on camera.
  • Full Outfit: Yes, even your bottoms. There’s always a chance you’ll need to stand up. Wear dress pants or a skirt to ensure a complete professional look.

7. The Final Touch: Confidence

The most important part of any outfit is the confidence with which you wear it. Remote work can blur the lines between personal and professional spaces, but dressing the part can help you transition into work mode more effectively.

Remember, you don’t have to sacrifice comfort for style. With these tips, you can create a remote work wardrobe that’s both professional and cozy, helping you look and feel your best, even on screen.

Until next time, stay stylish and confident in your home office!


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